- Women of
the Moose
- Beckley Chapter 822
- (WOTM)
- Congratulations!
- The Board of Officers and
Co-Workers congratulate Terry Taylor, "Volunteer
Co-Worker of the Year 1998-1999."
- Terry worked diligently
assuming all responsibilities for the 98-99 term serving
as Junior Regent and Pro-Tem Senior Regent.
- Terry also served as V.A.
Bingo Chairman as well as providing a co-worker for the
consession stand at bingo which she also worked.
- Terry was always available
when needed. We are very proud of youand you have
much to be proud of.
- S P O N S O R S H I P
We support the
work of the National Center For Missing and Exploited Children.
Call 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you've seen any of these
- We Gladly
- Pay your Dues with Visa,
Mastercard or Visa/MasterCard Check Card
- simply Call the Lodge
Office at 252-7345
- and give us your
information and we will do the rest.
- It's just that simple!
- NOTE: Web
Site Publication Instructions
- Any items or articles for
publication on this web site should be typed and saved in
- NOTEPAD program in your
computer, then saved to a disk and given to Moose office
- or attached to an email
file and sent to our lodge email address: bkwmoose@usa.net
- How to start
- 1) Start, 2) Programs, 3)
Accessories, 4) Notepad
- "Campbell's
Soup for the Troop," Labels, that is.
- Please save your
Campbell's soup labels for Cub Scout Troop #170.
- You can place your saved
labels in the Editor's Box located in the lobby or leave
them in the office.
- Note:
Items underlined are links, clicking on a link
- will take you to that
specified location.
- Additional
Beckley Moose Pages
- Click
below to go to specified page)